Payment of fees are to be made in advance and will be invoiced half termly at the beginning of every half term. Payments should be received within two weeks of the date of the invoice.
Holidays during term-time – If a child is on holiday during term-time the full fees for that term will still apply and will need to be paid.
In the event of sickness, fees will be non-refundable. If the child will be absent for more than a week, a medical certificate must be produced and half fees will be payable to ensure that the child remains on the register. In the event of a serious illness the committee will assess the situation on a case-by-case basis.
On acceptance of a place half a term’s written notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the Preschool. Fees are payable during the notice period.
f you wish to alter the sessions attended please discuss this with the lead practitioner. For a reduction or withdrawal of sessions a half term’s notice period or payment in lieu of notice will be required. This is term time only therefore notice cannot be served over the summer holidays. In unforeseen circumstances due consideration will be given.